A degree in psychology, even just a first degree, can open multiple doors to its holder. It is one of the most flexible and valuable resource that a young person in this century can aspire to have. This is because psychology students are expected to develop themselves, refine people skills, as well as learn how and why people behave in the way they do.
It is undeniable that most jobs or careers will involve meeting people, working in a team, dealing with clients, and marketing one’s own skills, leastwise during job interviews. Psychology teaches how to make sense of the social world, how to live a healthy life and how to help others when life deals a bad hand.
A psychologist is someone who has a master’s level in psychology and a warrant. A warranted psychologist would have specialised in an area of psychology, for example clinical, counselling, educational, social, organisational, health, neuropsychology, sport, etc. Therefore, psychologists can be found in schools, hospitals, organisations, sports clubs, sitting on advisory boards, and lecturing at Universities. The possibilities are endless!
Psychologists and psychology graduates can further their therapeutic repertoire by training in a specific psychotherapeutic modality, like gestalt, psychoanalysis, CBT, play and systemic. Training opportunities abound across the world and this makes for an interesting array of possible career trajectories; always refining one’s skills and knowledge depending on one’s goal.
Ultimately, psychologists, whatever their work role, share values of compassion for human suffering, advocate for an inclusive society and strive to protect the most vulnerable. They are the people who may work behind the scenes for the wellbeing of all.