World Health Day 2022: Our planet, our health

World Health Day will be celebrated on the 7th of April – This year’s WHO/Europe campaign will promote messages and activities that showcase how individual choices and social behaviours impact our environment. WHO have compiled some campaign material, which may be accessed here:

World Mental Health Day

Today, the world draws attention to the importance of mental health by marking the Mental Health Day. The theme of the day this year is “Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality”. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which Read more…


Members contribution: Dr Paul Attard-Baldacchino is a member of the Malta Chamber of Psychologists and an Educational Psychologist working with Surrey Council Educational Psychology Services, United Kingdom.  Covid 19 – Are you feeling anxious and worried? Rising to the challenge of Covid19 is no easy task. Whether you are a child Read more…